Monday, April 03, 2006


Online Collaboration For Emergencies

Online publishing and collaboration tools can be very valuable in aggregating and distributing emergency information.

The ability to quickly understand how to set up, configure and use such tools to maximise their effectiveness and usefulness when information is scarce, can be crucial

Below a few tips should you ever want to have them handy:


Check Internet Connections

During emergencies, internet communication may work better than in normal circumstances, or may fail entirely. During the Tsunami in Phuket for example, all voice networks were down due to damage to local infrastructure, but wireless data networks, which used secondary infrastructure not affected by the wave, were up and working faster, much faster than normal.

Check all possible networks and connections to determine which is working and which is faster.

There is generally a range of options from landlines, to wireless access, with different operators.

Locate the most accessible communication providers.

Locate satellite connections and equipment

Hospitals and public services are likely to have backup infrastructure, and they are likely to use that infrastructure for life/death communication

A stable internet connection is likely to satisfy most communication needs, including voice and pictures.

To ensure radio communication two way communication equipment is needed

During emergencies, all available equipment should be listed for features and be made available for emergency communication

From mobile phones to computers, from spare batteries and chargers, all resources should be saved and inventoried and be readied as needed

Offline information, say from witnesses and radio can be compiled into short
summaries and emailed or uploaded to online resources

Online tools can support quick communication with global reach.
Online communication skills, however, are still relatively scarce, so it is good to have an inventory of what people can do. Some are people good at coordinating, others at editing, some are good at verifying, some are good at designing, etc. Assign tasks based on competence and availability, and willingness to help

Make sure that more than one person is covering a task

Make sure that every person collaborating to the communication project is communicating effectively and openly, so that every bit of information circulated can be of use to more than one contributre, thus maximising the network effect.

Using a mailing list for group communication has proven most effective.


(elaborate more)

Read also:
Tsunami Help Blog Developers NOtes

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